As a DevOps engineer, managing code effectively and ensuring smooth integration, testing, and deployment processes are essential responsibilities. Git and GitHub are the foundation for these workflows, providing the tools necessary for seamless collaboration, automation, and deployment. In this blog, we'll explore a DevOps engineer's journey with Git and GitHub, from creating repositories to deploying code in a production environment.
Starting with Version Control: Understanding Git Basics
Q. What is Git?
Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes, collaborate on code, and manage multiple versions of a project efficiently.
Q. What is a Version Control System (VCS)?
A Version Control System (VCS) is a software tool that helps developers manage changes to source code or other files over time. It enables collaboration, tracks changes, and provides a history of modifications, allowing teams to work on projects efficiently while minimizing conflicts.
Installing and Setting Up Git: A Guide for Windows and Linux
Installing Git on Windows
Step 1: Download Git
Visit the official Git website and download the latest version for Windows.
Choose the appropriate version for your system (32-bit or 64-bit).
Step 2: Install Git
Open the downloaded installer and follow the setup wizard.
Choose your preferred editor for Git (default is Vim, but you can select Notepad++ or VS Code).
Step 3: Verify Installation
Open Command Prompt or PowerShell.
Type the following command to verify the installation:
git --version
You should see the installed Git version.
Step 4: Configure Git
Set your name and email:
git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" // Enter your Email
Installing Git on Linux
Step 1: Update Your System
Before installing Git, ensure your system is up-to-date.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Step 2: Install Git
The installation commands vary based on your Linux distribution:
For Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt install git
For Fedora/RHEL:
sudo dnf install git
For Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S git
Step 3: Verify Installation
Check if Git is installed and its version:
git --version
Step 4: Configure Git
Similar to Windows, set your global username and email:
git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" // Enter your Email
Check Your Git Configuration
After configuring your name and email in Git, it’s important to verify the settings to ensure everything is set up correctly. These details are crucial as they are attached to every commit you make and help identify who made the changes.
Check Your Global Configuration
Run the following command to view your global Git configuration, including your name and email:
git config --global --list
You should see output similar to this:
msi@anup:~$ git config --global --list
Check Configuration for a Specific Repository
If you want to check the configuration for a specific repository, navigate to the repository folder and use:
git config --list
This will show both global and repository-specific configurations. If you’ve overridden the global configuration for the repository, the repository-specific settings will appear here.
Git Commands with Detailed Explanations and Examples
1. Initializing a Repository
git init
What It Does:
Creates a new Git repository in the current directory by initializing a .git
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
git init
This initializes an empty Git repository in the my-project
2. Cloning a Repository
git clone <repository-url>
What It Does:
Copies a repository (and its history) from a remote location to your local machine.
git clone
This clones the repository at into a local folder named anupkafle.
3. Checking the Status of Your Repository
git status
What It Does:
Shows the status of your working directory and staging area, including:
Files modified but not staged.
Files staged but not committed.
Untracked files.
git status
Output might look like:
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git status
On branch master
No commits yet
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
4. Adding Files to the Staging Area
git add <file-name> # Add a specific file
git add . # Add all files
What It Does:
Moves changes from the working directory to the staging area, marking them for the next commit.
git add file1.txt
git add .
This stages the file1.txt file or all files in the directory, respectively.
5. Committing Changes
git commit -m "Your commit message"
What It Does:
Saves the changes in the staging area to the repository with a descriptive message.
git commit -m "Added a new feature to the project"
This commits all staged changes with the message "Added a new feature to the project."
Output might look like:
[master (root-commit) 2e0d35b] Added a new feature to the project
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file1.txt
6. Viewing Commit History
git log
What It Does:
Shows the commit history for the repository, including commit hashes, author details, dates, and messages.
git log
commit 2e0d35bf87987f7bdcd8bd9cc6ac6051e8b12ab6 (HEAD -> master)
Author: anupkafle <>
Date: Fri Nov 29 22:15:56 2024 +0100
Added a new feature to the project
7. Creating and Switching Branches
git branch <branch-name> # Create a new branch
git checkout <branch-name> # Switch to an existing branch
git checkout -b <branch-name> # Create and switch to a new branch
What They Do:
Branch creation: Creates a new branch to isolate work on a specific feature or bug.
Switching branches: Moves you to another branch in the repository.
git checkout -b feature/new-feature
This creates and switches to a branch named feature/new-feature
Switched to a new branch 'feature/new-feature'
8. Merging Branches
git merge <branch-name>
What It Does:
Combines changes from another branch into the current branch.
git checkout master
git merge feature/new-feature
This merges the feature/new-feature
branch into the main
9. Pushing Changes to a Remote Repository
git push origin <branch-name>
What It Does:
Uploads local commits from the specified branch to a remote repository.
git push origin master
Pushes the main
branch to the remote repository. To proceed, you must first create a repository and link it to a remote URL.
To link your local repository to a remote repository, use the following command:
git remote add origin <remote-repository-url>
10. Pulling Changes from a Remote Repository
git pull
What It Does:
Fetches and merges changes from the remote repository into the current branch.
git pull
Updates the local branch with the latest changes from the remote branch.
11. Viewing Differences
git diff
What It Does:
Shows changes between the working directory and the repository (or between branches).
git diff
Displays line-by-line differences for modified files.
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git diff
diff --git a/file1.txt b/file1.txt
index e69de29..537e61e 100644
--- a/file1.txt
+++ b/file1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+hi this is test file
The git diff
output shows the differences between the current working directory and the latest commit. In this case, the file file1.txt
was modified, transitioning from an empty state (indicated by e69de29
) to containing a single line, hi this is test file
. The +
symbol marks the addition of this line in the file.
12. Discarding Changes
git checkout -- <file-name> # Reverts changes to a file
git reset <file-name> # Removes a file from staging
What They Do:
Reverting: Discards changes in the working directory.
Resetting: Removes changes from the staging area without deleting them.
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ cat > file1.txt
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ cat file1.txt
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git checkout -- file1.txt
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ cat file1.txt
13. Deleting a Branch
git branch -d <branch-name>
What It Does:
Deletes a branch that is no longer needed.
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git branch
* master
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git branch -d feature/new-feature
Deleted branch feature/new-feature (was 2e0d35b).
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git branch
* master
Deletes the feature/new-feature
14. Checking Remote Repositories
git remote -v
What It Does:
Lists remote repositories linked to your local repository.
git remote -v
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
15. Tagging Releases
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "Tag message"
What It Does:
Marks a specific commit with a version number or release label.
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0"
msi@msi:~/Desktop/my-project$ git log
commit 2e0d35bf87987f7bdcd8bd9cc6ac6051e8b12ab6 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.0.0)
Author: anupkafle <>
Date: Fri Nov 29 22:15:56 2024 +0100
Added a new feature to the project
Creates and pushes a v1.0.0
tag to the remote repository.
16. Stashing Changes
Git stash is a feature that allows you to temporarily save changes in your working directory that you don’t want to commit yet. This is useful when you need to switch branches or perform other tasks without losing your uncommitted changes. The changes are saved in a stack-like structure, and you can reapply them later.
git stash
What It Does:
Temporarily saves changes without committing.
git stash
To apply stashed changes later:
git stash apply
17. Undoing Changes
git reset --hard <commit-hash>
What It Does:
Resets the repository to a specific commit, discarding all changes after it.
git reset --hard 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j
Rolls back to the specified commit.
18. Help and Documentation
git help <command>
What It Does:
Provides detailed documentation for any Git command.
git help commit
Displays help information for the commit
19.Git Rebase
git rebase <branch-name>
What It Does:
Integrates changes from one branch into another by moving the base of your branch to the latest commit on the target branch.
Keeps a linear commit history by replaying your changes on top of the target branch.
git rebase main
Rebases your current branch on top of the main
Use Case:
When you want to synchronize your feature branch with the latest updates from the main
branch while avoiding merge commits.
20. Git Cherry-Pick
git cherry-pick <commit-hash>
What It Does:
- Applies a specific commit from one branch onto the current branch.
git cherry-pick abc1234
Applies the commit with hash abc1234
onto your current branch.
Use Case:
When you need a specific change from another branch without merging the entire branch.
Git is an indispensable tool for modern software development, enabling teams to collaborate efficiently, maintain code integrity, and streamline project management. Its powerful commands, such as git commit
, git branch
, git rebase
, and git stash
, provide flexibility and control over your codebase, making it easier to manage complex projects. By mastering Git’s workflows—whether it’s basic version control, branch management, or advanced rebasing techniques—you can significantly enhance your productivity and contribute to a cleaner, more maintainable project history.
Incorporating Git into your development process not only helps you work better individually but also ensures seamless teamwork, especially when paired with platforms like GitHub or GitLab. Understanding Git’s capabilities and best practices is a crucial step in your journey toward becoming a proficient developer or DevOps engineer. With a strong foundation in Git, you are equipped to tackle challenges in version control, collaborate effectively, and deliver high-quality software.
What is the difference between git pull, git fetch, and git clone?
git pull
,git fetch
, andgit clone
serve different purposes in Git workflows.git pull
combinesgit fetch
andgit merge
, fetching changes from the remote repository and immediately merging them into your current branch, making it ideal for quick synchronization.git fetch
, on the other hand, only downloads changes from the remote repository without merging, allowing you to review updates before integrating them. Finally,git clone
is used to create a local copy of an entire remote repository, typically when setting up a repository for the first time. Each command has its unique use case: pull for immediate updates, fetch for careful review, and clone for starting fresh.